
InfyMakers Awards

2019 Winners

  • Council of Schools & Services for the Blind

    Mableton, GA

    Council for Schools and Services for the Blind will develop a series of modules for educators that provide online instructions, equipment and training for hands-on STEM activities adapted to the needs of blind students.

  • Discovery Cube OC

    Santa Ana, CA

    Discovery Cube OC will create a series of makerspace water challenges for students to learn about, design, and make innovative solutions to the issues of water scarcity and conservation in Southern California.

  • Girls Write Now

    New York, NY

    Girls Write Now will grow its Digital Media Mentoring Program, including integrating multimedia curriculum across all programs and fostering youth-driven creativity at the intersection of language, technology, and art.

  • HackSchool

    Denver, CO

    HackSchool will design and build a mobile HackSchool Make-Break-Tinker Lab to take its maker programming on the road into the community and into other schools.

  • People In Education

    Detroit, MI

    People In Education partners media artists with classrooms to facilitate student-led community investigations, which culminate in a collaborative media project and will continue this work through the 2019-2020 Artist in Residence program in three Detroit area classrooms.

  • Project Invent

    Menlo Park, CA

    Project Invent will host workshops in California and Vermont focused on making for social good for students who often don’t have access to maker programs.

  • SAM Academy

    Sanger, CA

    SAM Academy will increase participation by underserved children and youth in rural San Joaquin Valley, CA with learning experiences in the Sanger SAM Academy Community Science Workshop (CSW), the Wilson Elementary Library CSW, Maker Festival, and the High School Art/Maker Mentor program.

  • The Big-Brained Superheroes Club

    Seattle, WA

    The Big-Brained Superheroes Club will renovate its current lab and outreach assets to increase capacity and community awareness of its programming in the low-income Yesler neighborhood near downtown Seattle.

  • The Whitney Workshop at the Eli Whitney Museum

    Hamden, CT

    The Whitney Workshop at the Eli Whitney Museum will double the scale and versatility of its Maker Programs in New Haven schools including the creation of Maker Carts to equip workshops in 6 schools.

  • Thinkery

    Austin, TX

    Thinkery will create a series of new hands-on projects for school groups at the museum’s maker space, engaging more than 25,000 students in meaningful making.